The Mobility Data Platform For Brussels

Unlock diverse, quality mobility data in Brussels for insights, planning, and innovation.

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All the data you need in one place

Access diverse, quality-assured mobility data in Brussels for insights, planning, and innovation. Explore real-time and historical data from various sources like public transport, micro-mobility, railway, traffic, and air-quality feeds. Power your data-driven solutions for optimized urban mobility.


Access to real-time geospatial location feeds of various mobility sources, including public transport vehicles, micro-mobility vehicles, railway trains, traffic, and air-quality feeds.

Enriched data

Processed data is enriched and integrated, allowing users to build applications using high-quality and enhanced data.

Centralized access

Acts as a centralized access point for all mobility-related information in Brussels, eliminating the need to search through multiple sources.

Historical Data Archives

Provides access to large amounts of historical mobility data, enabling research work on batch mobility data management and analytics.

Data Cleansing and Fusion

Provides efficient pipelines for data cleansing, enhancement, and fusion, ensuring high-quality and usable data for analysis and decision-making.

Open Data Collaboration

Encourages applied research efforts and collaboration with the research community to refine and improve the dataset, maximizing its value for various stakeholders.

An open data ecosystem to drive innovation and research

The Mobility Twin for Brussels is a unique open data ecosystem that allows you to access and use mobility data from the Brussels-Capital Region. It is a unique opportunity to develop innovative solutions for the mobility of tomorrow.

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An open data ecosystem to drive innovation and research

As an open data platform, the Mobility Twin for Brussels is a collaborative project. You are always welcome to contribute to the platform by adding new data sources, improving the data quality, or enriching the data by creating new data products.


Citation information

If you use the platform or the data provided by the platform in one of your projects, please cite the paper below:

    title = {Brussels Mobility Twin (Data and Resources Paper)},
    author = {Gaspard Merten and Mahmoud Sakr},
    booktitle = {The 31st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL '23)},
    year = {2023},
    address = {Hamburg, Germany},
    publisher = {ACM},
    doi = {10.1145/3589132.3625634}